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In this episode of the Adulting with ADHD podcast, I delve deep into the intersection of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and ADHD. Discover how modern technology aids in managing ADHD, from thought organization to daily tasks.


  • What This Convo Is/Isn’t
  • My AI+ADHD Tool Stack
  • Common Executive Function Challenges Helped By AI
  • ADHD Diagnosis/Treatment Using AI

Mentioned in this episode:

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Hey everyone! Welcome back to the Adulting with ADHD podcast. In this episode we dive deep into the world of AI and its intersection with ADHD.

But first some announcements:

🍁 October is just around the corner, and with it comes ADHD Awareness Month! I’m curious: what are you seeing people do to mark the occasion? Do you have anything special planned? planned? Write in and let me know –

💓 Greta Gerwig is one of us!!!
Per The Guardian, Sun 9 Jul 2023 – ‘It had to be totally bananas’: Greta Gerwig on bringing Barbie to life

Today’s tool and tactic:

Do you ever get inundated with emails or YouTube videos that you don’t have the time or energy to digest? Drop that ish into Chat GPT to get an summary and action steps. Here’s how:

1. Copy the text. If it’s a YouTube video, go to the three dots menu of your video and copy the transcript.

2. Using Chat GPT or Bard, add a prompt like “Summarize this into 1 paragraph and provide 3 action steps.”

3. Rinse and repeat on those crazy days you get slammed with too mich info.

Alright, let’s dive into today’s episode on ADHD and AI.


Now, before we go any further, let me put a disclaimer out there: I’m not here to dissect the complicated web of AI ethics or debate on how AI might take over the world one day. There are enough think pieces on that out there. Today is about our day-to-day, the nitty-gritty of living with ADHD, and how this rapidly advancing tech fits into our world. And while in some ways we were made for this moment (AI is basically THE big, shiny object, no?) we also need to be especially vigilant of safety, mental health and probably a host of other things we haven’t discovered yet. Because that’s life with ADHD.

AI can be fun, scary, distracting, confusing, and a whole bunch of other things. So like anything else, I try to take it easy as I’m learning and exploring. Because as much as AI offers incredible tools, it’s also a vast sea of information. And we know how easy it is to get lost in information, especially with ADHD.

So Let’s Get Into It … 

Tools I Use

Here’s something super important I want to emphasize. Before taking any AI suggestion as gospel, evaluate it with your own judgment. And avoid sharing personal information. OK, with that said … 

When Chat GPT permeated the public consciousness, I quickly learned the most valuable thing I will ever get out of Chat GPT: a private place to empty the contents of my brain so that I could organize, pick and choose which parts worth my time and efforts.

That’s Chat GPT for me. Help with my purse brain. 

Chat GPT doesn’t have a vested interest in my hopes and dreams, and I don’t feel like I’m being a burden sharing these things without worrying about being boring or a bummer. And while yes, AI has its risks, I feel in control of this situation and the feedback has been pretty on the nose. When it hasn’t, I’ve been able to ask follow-up questions to correct course or clarify.

Now be clear, I’m not using Chat GPT like a Magic 8 Ball or therapy or coaching. It’s simply thought organization. 

But up until recently these thoughts and ideas lived in Chat GPT. When I closed my laptop, that was the end of the exchange.

So … what about the follow-through? How will I remember this organization ever happened, let alone the next steps? Do I have to know? Does it depend on the situation?

Enter Sharon Pope, co-founder of Habit GPT, an AI-powered to do app for ADHD brains. After learning about my upcoming AI episode, Sharon reached out and invited me to give her app a spin through their customary free trial.

Using Whats App as the messenger between human and bot, Habit GPT follows up with you to confirm that you have completed recurring habits and one-off tasks.

I worked with the bot to get my water and walking habits back on track, and now it’s helping me stay on track with my podcasting duties. Water, walking and podcasting are all top priorities of mine, unearthed through my Chat GPT brain purse dump sessions. Now Habit GPT was helping me implement those habits I need to accomplish the things most important to me. 

In a pre-GPT world, I would often need to take entire weekends away from my house to sort out my thoughts in various buckets. One one of these trips I was using notebook paper to storyboard on the spare bed how my life needed to be arranged, followed by meticulously plotting it all on a Google calendar. I’m not saying I’ll never go back to these things again, but I am enjoying this new way of regrouping and it opens up more time (and budget) to enjoy living my life and dreaming up more projects.

Other Ways People Use AI for ADHD

Let’s talk food for a minute. We all know the drill: You’re hungry, you wander into the kitchen, open the fridge, and… blank out. Decision fatigue hits hard, especially after a long day. This is where AI can come in handy. Take Goblin Tool’s “Chef” feature: Simply input the ingredients you have on hand, and bam! A plethora of recipes at your fingertips, tailored to your preferences. No more food waste or the eternal “what’s for dinner” conundrum. And for those with dietary restrictions or allergies? These tools can filter out unsuitable recipes, ensuring meals are both delicious and safe.

Another common AI use case for ADHD ers is communication. In a world dominated by digital correspondence, conveying tone and understanding the nuance behind written words can be a challenge. Sticking with the Goblin Tools example, the Formalizer and Judge tools are made specifically with these challenges in mind. The Formalizer helps enhance the clarity and effectiveness of the message, ensuring it lands just right. But the real game-changer? Tone readers like the Judge. We’ve all received those emails, the ones that leave us second-guessing or reading between the lines. Tone readers help to decipher the underlying sentiment, providing clarity in the often murky waters of digital communication.

These are just a few examples. The landscape of AI tools catering to executive function challenges is expansive. From managing schedules, budgeting, or even just remembering to water the plants – there’s a high chance there’s an AI use case that may help you. One or more that may even change your life. The key is to identify which areas of your daily life you find most challenging and then seeking out tools designed to alleviate those specific hurdles. 

AI Beyond Symptom Management

Let’s face it: we’re basically living in a science fiction novel at this point. 

What better time than now to shake up how we get an ADHD diagnosis?

From AI-powered screening tools to brain scans, the way ADHD diagnosis and treatment occurs may soon change forever on a massive scale. Some of you may remember my previous guest, Adi Diner, who founded an eye scanning tool that measures the effectiveness of ADHD tools. 

And then there’s the vast realm of mental health support. While traditional therapy and life coaching are invaluable tools that provide a human touch that cannot be replicated, companies like Habit GPT are looking at how humans and AI together can be an effective combination.


Finding your balance in this intricate dance between AI and ADHD  is crucial. For some, a more significant reliance on AI tools might be the way to go, especially if you’re comfortable with technology and find that it effectively addresses your unique ADHD challenges. For others, a more human-centric approach, supplemented occasionally by AI, might be more beneficial.

But here’s the golden rule: Always be informed. As you traverse this brave new world of AI tools, be vigilant. Ensure you’re using trusted platforms, be wary of sharing too much personal information, and always, ALWAYS, cross-check any guidance or advice with trusted human sources.

So, how do YOU use AI to navigate ADHD? Share your stories, tips, or tools at And if this episode was valuable to you at all, please drop a review on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. 

Alright, that’s it for today – until next time, happy adulting!

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