
As the brains behind Adulting With ADHD, my career went from striving to thriving within a year after being diagnosed in 2015 at the age of 34. I’ve had many ups and downs since then, many of which I address on my podcast. My writings on the topic can be found in ADDitude, The Mighty, Bustle, Bitch, and Bust. If you like podcasts, you can catch me as a guest on Faster Than Normal, See in ADHD and LadyHD.

The topic of ADHD in women has fascinated me since I was first diagnosed. I was seeing a psychiatrist about other mental health issues and she put it together. It has changed my life ever since and continues to impact me every day. It opened me to a new world in which I didn’t feel like a punchline, but instead somebody with different brain wiring – that’s totally solvable! This awareness combined with the proper treatment has enabled me to accomplish things that were never before possible.

Why Trust Me?

Aside from the first-hand experience of being a late-diagnosed ADHD-er, I have spent my professional life researching complex topics and breaking them down for the general audience. I did this first as a professional journalist, and now as a commercial content developer (by trade) and podcaster (out of passion). I don’t promise to always get it right, but when something’s brought to my attention I make it right to the best of my ability.

UPDATE 6/26/22:  I work with science communicators to help ensure I am putting out the most responsible mental health information possible on the website. (Science communicators who want to work together should contact me.)

Podcasts guests now fall into at least one of the below categories. Unless credentialed in the specialty, I steer away from asking guests to comment on it. Patients are experts in their own experience, which I honor at every opportunity.

Other experts may include:

  • Board-certified doctors and nurses
  • Licensed therapists
  • Certified ADHD coaches
  • Patient advocates
  • Industry experts

ADHD Statistics

ADHD is commonly considered a little boy’s disease because the symptoms look different in girls. Maybe you weren’t the class clown, nor did you talk too much in school. Maybe you fell through the cracks and are part of this fascinating lost generation of women who are coming into their own as awareness of ADHD women continues to rise. Maybe you’ve heard people say ADHD isn’t real or that you’ve been frivolously diagnosed. This blog aims to unpack all of this and more.

What Is ADD?

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, also referred to as ADHD or attention deficit disorder, is a chronic condition associated with inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity. There are reportedly 3 million ADHD cases in the U.S. a year. While there is no cure, medication and/or therapy help are common ways to treat ADHD. The condition commonly begins in childhood and can last into adulthood and is linked to difficulty at school/work, low self-esteem and relationship difficulty.

Do I Have ADHD?

To determine whether you have ADHD, ask your primary physician for a referral to a specialist. An ADHD medical diagnosis is reached through interviewing and assessment by a trained professional. Common signs of ADHD behavioral issues such as aggression, fidgeting or excitability. ADHD patients may also experience absent-mindedness, forgetfulness or difficulty focusing.

What Causes ADHD?

While nobody knows for sure, ADHD is commonly believed to be caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors.