My Toolkit for Getting Stuff Done

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Hello and thank you for being patient as I ease into this new recording schedule! There are some exciting things ahead for the Adulting With ADHD podcast, and I am thrilled at all the behind-the-scenes work going on right now for future episodes.

During this transition, I thought it would be a good idea and take a step back do kind of a “day in the life” type of episode. I want to take you though the types of things that help me get stuff done …. then I’m hoping some of you will reach out to me and tell me what’s been working for you!

For a full list of everything discussed in this episode, check out My Toolbox.


So, over to you – what helps you get things done? Shoot me an email over at contact at That’s also a great way to reach me if you have any questions you’d like me to answer on the show.

If you like these tricks and tips, be sure to subscribe to this podcast! I’m also on all of the socials – on Twitter and Instagram, you can find me at @adhdadulting and my Facebook page is


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