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ADHD and Hormones Lessons Learned: Part 1

adhd and hormones


Back in December, I embarked on a quest to learn more about ADHD and hormones after my period went off the rails. Most of the episodes on the podcast so far have been related to the flux of estrogen (which you can learn more about here), but there also are other considerations. 

Here are some of the most meaningful findings to me so far. Future episodes will explore gender issues, birth control, PCOS, PMDD, and more. If you’re an expert with insight or a patient with a story, I’d love to hear from you

Pregnancy & ADHD Can Still Be A ‘Dumpster Fire’ (Even If Some Enjoy The Estrogen Lift)

On my Dec. 12 episode with Patricia Sung, host of Motherhood In ADHD, we discussed what it’s like to be pregnant with ADHD. Sung was not shy about keeping it real, but we also talked about the power of positivity (the non-Pollyanna kind).

“And when you look at all the symptoms of pregnancy, it’s like, you look at all these pieces [of having] ADHD and … lit them on fire. It’s like a dumpster fire.” Patricia Sung, Episode 55

“And when you look at all the symptoms of pregnancy, it’s like, you look at all these pieces (of having) ADHD and … lit them on fire. It’s like a dumpster fire.” Patricia Sung, Episode 55 Click To Tweet

ADHD & Birth Control Considerations

The impact of hormones and ADHD and lack awareness out there all hit Carls Richards at once one day when they dropped a TikTok that went semi-viral.

“It was kind of it was one of those days where all of the all of the things just started to link together and make sense. And I was just so completely overwhelmed by it that I started crying. And I was like, people need to know this.” – Carls Richards, Episode 56

As soon as their gut-wrenching post about ADHD and hormones went live, their comments section was inundated with people asking “what does this mean about birth control?”

What does it mean indeed. After a little digging, I came across the work of Dr. Sarah Hill and cannot recommend enough checking out This Is Your Brain on Birth Control (aff). 

“It was kind of it was one of those days where all of the all of the things just started to link together and make sense. And I was just so completely overwhelmed by it that I started crying. And I was like, people need to know this.”… Click To Tweet

Sometimes You Find Help In Surprising Places

Funny lady Jenn Welch, host of LadyHD, dropped into the podcast and I’m pretty sure we could have talked for several hours. While sharing her experience with dermoid cycts and ADHD, she bestowed an especially helpful little nugget of info. While she was in the ER, she was able to find a social worker on the premises to help her sort out all the confusion of her condition, treatment and more. 

“Trying to vocalize it and advocate for myself, and explain, and get myself to the places where I need to be … and remembering to ask certain questions and remembering all that stuff .. that’s hard for somebody who doesn’t have ADHD.” -Jenn Welch, Episode 57

“Trying to vocalize it and advocate for myself, and explain, and get myself to the places where I need to be … and remembering to ask certain questions and remembering all that stuff .. that’s hard for somebody who doesn’t have ADHD.”… Click To Tweet

Do Not Underestimate (Peri)Menopause & ADHD

When ADHD coach Lisa Alecci found out I was doing a podcast on hormones and ADHD, she was adamant that I not leave out menopause patients. I had to talk to her to find out why she was so passionate. 

At one point, an undiagnosed Lisa thought she might have had Alzheimer’s. Instead, she was experiencing extreme ADHD symptoms, exasperated by menopause. While she did learn that she did not have Alzheimers, her career continued to struggle with undiagnosed ADHD.

“They said they didn’t know which me they would get: the high-performing Lisa, or the one who had just missed her latest deadline.” -Lisa Alecci, Episode 58

“They said they didn’t know which me they would get: the high-performing Lisa, or the one who had just missed her latest deadline.” -Lisa Alecci, Episode 58 Click To Tweet

Are you a patient with a story or an expert with an insight on ADHD & menopause? The Adulting With ADHD Podcast is currently booking guests! Shoot me an email with some basic information and we’ll see if you’re a good match. 

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